Sunday, February 13, 2005


Due to the rave reviews of my last offering I have decided to give my adoring fans another treat, another intallment of the random bits of information that make up what comes to mind when I am writing stuff down.

This week I found Bush's album 16Stone in a random bag of junk that was left behind by an ex member of Planet Bob. It is a really good album.

Irwan, a member of Planet Bob is moving out this weekend, this is kind of sad as he is a really nice guy and great to live with. We do, however, have a replacement in Doug Seymour, former resident of Weerona College, so hopefully that will work out well.

I am now really hungry so am going to eat breakfast, I wonder if anyone will notice this post anytime soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

What you have all been waiting for!

Due to popular demand I am adding another post. "What?", I hear you say, "Are you crazy?". No, or maybe yes, nevertheless I intend to press ahead and do the unthinkable.

Well I haven't done all that much of interest, went snorkelling on the weekend, that was pretty fun.

I need more money, feel free to give me some. Too many big bills.

The end.