Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Metamorphosis in Colour.

'Wow, what an interesting title!' you are thinking, unfortunately that is all it is as it doesn't relate to anything in the body of this post.

What an eventful past couple of weeks we've had! I think. I've been ridiculously tired and so can't remember a lot.

I do however remember the weekend just past, I went to Kyckstart with the SBS tribe from church. I was a bit of a zombie but it was pretty good.

This leads me to my next point of interest, I bought another CD at Katoomba. It was Ratt: Invasion of Your Privacy, I am listening to it now and I like it.
I think I am going to go bankrupt with all my CD purchases, I used never see many cds which I wanted to buy, but now I seem to see a few each week.

I was talking to some dudes on the weekend about infant baptism, which led on to infant salvation. These dudes reckoned that 1 Corinthians 14 indicated that the children of Christian parents were saved through their parents until such time as they made the decision for themselves. I don't concur, what do you guys out there reckon?

I think I need more time in the week, like an extra day. Perhaps when I rule this planet I will slot an extra day into the weekend. Maybe I should run a competition to find the new name, obviously the name would have to fit with the existing names. Maybe I'll give a prize to the person who comes up with the best name, or maybe not, maybe it will depend on how good the name is. So, leave your entries as a comment kids.

Anyway I need to do lots of uni work.


Blogger Stoobie said...

Hey, I dont agree with those dudes. I need to read the relevant passage to be sure but it just doesnt sound right. We know that God is just and that God judges us according to what we know (as it says in the bible) and so a small child will be judged according to what they know. Everyone is judged as an individual and corporal (ie, Adam's sin). If their name is in the Lamb's book of life they will be in heaven simple as that.
A interesting question to build on this is: Will they be fully grown? Will they know anything of life other than a new life in heaven? Imagine how good that would be? All you know of life would be new life...

3:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

though there are also references arent there to punishment being dealt to the third and fourth generations. and wasnt there something about a centuriun who was told that his whole household would be saved because of his faith?

3:57 pm  
Blogger Eltham said...

There was a centurion whose servant was healed through his faith, I don't know of another.

In regards to punishment being dealt to the third and fourth generations, my leaning is that it under the old covenant an a physical thing rather than an eternal destinations thing.

9:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:47 pm  
Blogger Ximno said...


the day of Xest

10 days would be preferable, then system could run a standard decimal system, and you could also change the hour time to 20 hours a day...
Yay for no more conversions.

...and to continue stu's extra thoughts...

Will they be fully grown?
Not in the sense that we understand fully grown, but, they will have a ressurection body the same as everyone else.

Will they know anything of life other than a new life in heaven?
I think knowledge of this world will become meaningless in all our hearts and minds as we focus on the Glory and lilght of our new Life. Where, as you'll soon get up to in Rev., we continue to sing praises to our God forever.

mmm Infant salvation...mmm..

To address this issue from a completely different angle....

DO the Titus for a bit...
There has to be reason that leaders of the church are required to have children that are not openly rebellious. In some way the child's faith reflects upon the parent, so, if this instruction is given in the selection of parents as shepards, then it is reasonable to assume that the faith of these shepards does reflect upon the children in some way...

11:12 am  
Blogger Stoobie said...

To continue on what Sim said.
If you cant run your own family properly, how are you expected to do any different for the family of God?

10:53 am  

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